Types of human intelligence
An expert research from the United States, Prof. Howard Gardener, developed a model of intelligence namely Multiple intelligence which means an assortment of intelligence. That every person has an assortment of intelligence, but with different levels of development. The purpose of intelligence by Gardener is a collection of abilities or skills that can be cultivated.
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words effectively, both orally and in writing.
1. You love to play with words. You enjoy poetry. You like to listen to stories.
2. You read everything; books, magazines, newspapers and even product labels.
3. You feel easily and confidently express yourself both orally and in writing. For example, you are good at communicating and clever in the telling or writing about something.
4. Like spice up your conversations with interesting things that you have just read or heard.
5. Like doing crossword puzzles, playing scrable or a puzzle. You can spell very well.
Logical mathematical intelligence is the ability to solve problems. He was able to think and devise a solution (a solution) with a logical sequence (sense).
1. You enjoy working with numbers and able to perform mental calculations.
2. You are interested in the advancement of technology and likes to do experiments to see how the thing.
3. You find it easy to do financial planning. You set targets in terms of numbers in business and your life.
4. You are happy to prepare a detailed itinerary. You are prepared, giving the number and set up a list of work (to-do-list).
5. You are happy with the game, puzzle or something that requires the ability to think logically and statistically cheker like games or chess.
Visual and spatial intelligence is the ability to see and observe the visual and spatial world accurately (carefully).
1. You love art, enjoy painting and sculpture. You have the image of a good sense of color.
2. You tend to like recording visually by using a camera or camcorder.
3. You can write quickly when you notice or think about something. You can draw pretty well.
4. You find it easy to read a map or navigate, you have the ability to understand a good direction.
5. You enjoy the game like a puzzle.
Musical intelligence is the ability to enjoy, observe, distinguish, fabricate, form and express musical forms. This intelligence includes sensitivity to rhythm, melody and timbre of the music heard.
1. You can play an instrument.
2. You can sing high and low in accordance with the key tone.
3. You can usually remember a rhythm just by listening to a few times.
4. You are listening to music. You sometimes even attending concerts. Like-even need-listen to songs while you're working.
5. Like the music well and unconsciously tapping your fingers to the rhythm of the song.
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to observe and understand the intentions, motivations and feelings of others.
1. You like to work with others in a group or committee.
2. You prefer to learn from the study group itself.
3. People often come to you for advice. 4. you are full of sympathy.
5. You prefer team sports such as basketball, soffball, football of the individual such as swimming and running.
Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to relate to awareness and self-knowledge. Able to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Able to motivate himself and self-discipline.
1. You have a diary to record your thoughts are very deep and personal.
2. You serimg alone to think and solve problems themselves.
3. You set your goals.
4. You are an independent thinker (standalone). You know your mind and you decide your own decision.
5. You have a hobby or pleasure of a personal nature that is not much you share or disclose it to others.
Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to use your body skillfully to express ideas, thoughts and feelings.
1. You are exercising or doing physical activity.
2. You are capable of doing something alone.
3. You like to think the issue while active in physical activities such as walking or running.
4. You do not mind if asked to dance.
5. Every time you go to the entertainment center or a game, you are happy with the game very challenging, Terrible, and physically like jet coaster.
Naturalist intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, disclose and make categories of what is encountered in nature and the environment.
1. You are happy to maintain or like animals.
2. You can recognize and distinguish the names of various types of trees, flowers and plants.
3. You are interested and have the knowledge on how the body works-where the vital organs of the body-and you will understand health.
4. You know the path or trail, bird nests and other wildlife as you walk in nature and you can read the weather
5. You can imagine yourself as a farmer or maybe you like fishing
Now, which intelligence do you have? :D
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